Children, Youth & Family Ministries

Enriching Faith, Celebrating
Life Together

June’s Thursday Night Blasts, Sunday School, Confirmation, G2: High School, Vacation Bible School, Mission Trip


June’s Thursday Night Blasts

Don’t let your child miss June’s Thursday Night Blasts this summer. Each Thursday evening will have a different theme and each theme will tie back to Jesus. These nights are open to children 0 through 5th grade and will run from 5:30-7:00pm. A pizza dinner will be service. Cost is $5 per night to offset pizza and activities. Any questions, email Christine, the Director of Youth Ministry.

june 6 - swiftie night

This Blast will be everything Taylor Swift: from games, to bracelets, to a dance party. Find Jesus in some of her songs. Dress up if you want to. Come and have a blast!

june 13 - a trip to the rainforest

Come get a preview of what this year’s Vacation Bible School will be all about as we journey into the Rainforest at this Blast. Games, crafts, music and more. Follow Jesus on this adventure. Come and have a blast!

june 20 - Noah’s ark stuffed animal party

Bring your favorite stuffed animal to this Blast’s party. God made the animals and said it was good. Come and have a blast!

june 27 - Minecraft party

Come craft with us at this Blast. Games, crafts, fun, food and Jesus. Come and have a blast!

Sunday School

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What is Sunday School like at Christus?

Learning about the wonderful, life-giving stories in the Bible is incorporated into the Children’s Sermon each week.

Each week in Sunday School, children explore Old and New Testaments stories through technology, cooking, art, science, games and more.

Sunday School begins September 24th and is held most Sundays from 9:45am-10:25am.

Click here for the 2023/2024 Sunday School schedule.

Ages PreK through 5th grade are welcome. If you have questions or want your child to join our Sunday School, please email Christine, Director of Youth Ministry.


Family activities

Christus also provides many opportunities throughout the year for families to come together for fun and faith-filled experiences. Some of these events include the Road Rally, Easter Egg Hunt, Easter Breakfast, the Greenville Parade, Church Picnic, Trunk-or-Treat, and the Advent Workshop.


“Kids teach the faith just as much as the adults!”




What is Confirmation like at Christus?

Youth are one of the highlights at Christus. Youth are actively involved in many parts of Christus life: worship, music, faith education, fellowship, and mission/service. Our Confirmation program engages 6th, 7th, and 8th grade youth in a three-year program culminating in the Rite of Confirmation.

Through dynamic large group teaching, youth embark on a journey through the 10 Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer, and The Apostles’ Creed. Youth are able to process the lesson deeper during small group time which is facilitated by two adult volunteers (mentors).

Confirmation typically begins Wednesday in September with a Parent/Youth Orientation at 6:30pm.

2024/2025 Confirmation schedule TBD.

Contact Christine if you are interested.


“Confirmation is about learning real faith & applying it to everyday life.”


G2: High School Youth


G2 – High School Youth

The high school youth are welcome to participate in our youth group, G2, where faith and fellowship go hand in hand. All of our youth programs are open and welcoming to all youth who would like to come and check it out.

Your family does not have to be a member of Christus. G2 meets Wednesday evenings beginning at 6:00pm at Christus.


“The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays.”

– Søren Kirkegaard


Vacation Bible School


SonQUEST RAINFOREST coming august 12-16, 2024

Bring your kids to SonQuest Rainforest—an experience of discovery they’ll never forget! Everything your SonQuest Rainforest adventurers encounter is based on five parables told by Jesus that will make a difference in their lives every day. These five days of discovery not only give kids the knowledge of God’s word, but also the opportunity to respond to God’s truth by living out their Christian faith.

Crafts, games, music, Bible story time, snack and more!

Vacation Bible School is open to 3 years old through children entering 5th grade.

9am-Noon for 3yrs through Kindergarten ($15 for the week)

9am-3pm for 1st-5th grades ($25 for the week)

If you have more than one child interested, each additional child is only $10.


Youth Mission Trip


Nashville Mission Trip

Where: Nashville, Tennessee

When: July 20-27, 2024

Who: All 6th grade thru 12th grade youth

Cost: $575.00

What will we be doing?

Serve those who are affected by poverty, homelessness and hunger.

How do I sign up for the trip?

To sign up for the trip, send a non-refundable $100.00 deposit to the Church Office, Attention: Christine. Or, if you want to use money from your fundraising account, please let Christine know.

Many fundraisers will be offered where youth can earn money to offset the cost of the trip. Plus, Christus does offer scholarships if needed, just ask Christine. Money should not hinder any youth from going on this trip.